Class BeanFactoryFluxionService

  extended by net.sourceforge.fluxion.datapublisher.BeanFactoryFluxionService
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BeanFactoryFluxionService
extends java.lang.Object
implements FluxionService

Javadocs go here!

Tony Burdett

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.util.Set<> getDataSources()
          All data sources that this service publishes. getId()
          A human-readable URI-based service ID getReasonerLevel( dataSource)
          The minimum reasoning capabilities that the service will use when matching queries against the data source.
 org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology getSchema( dataSource)
          A schema that acts as an upper-bounds on the entities that could possibly be retreived from this service.
 org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology query( dataSource, queryClass, org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology queryOntology)
          Execute a query.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BeanFactoryFluxionService()
Method Detail


public getId()
Description copied from interface: FluxionService
A human-readable URI-based service ID

Specified by:
getId in interface FluxionService
a identifying this service.


public java.util.Set<> getDataSources()
                                           throws DataSourceException
Description copied from interface: FluxionService
All data sources that this service publishes.

Specified by:
getDataSources in interface FluxionService
a of s giving each known data source


public getReasonerLevel( dataSource)
                              throws DataSourceException
Description copied from interface: FluxionService
The minimum reasoning capabilities that the service will use when matching queries against the data source.

For example, this URI may resolve to an entity representing OWL-DL, in which case the service is indicating that the full OWL-DL semantics will be used to infer that instances are members of a class. Some services may chose to implement less poweful logics, such as OWL-LITE. Clients are then responsible for formulating the query in such a way as to ensure that all of the data that they are interested in is retreived using just the service reasoning level. It is legal, although not very polite for a service to publish any reasoner level that is equivalent to or more simple than the one that it actually employes.

Specified by:
getReasonerLevel in interface FluxionService
dataSource - the being operated upon
a giving the reasoner semantics in effect
DataSourceException - if the data source is not known by this service or if there was an error connecting to the data source


public org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology getSchema( dataSource)
                                                throws DataSourceException
Description copied from interface: FluxionService
A schema that acts as an upper-bounds on the entities that could possibly be retreived from this service.

All instances returned by a query will be instances of concepts defined in the schema. Thus, executing a query is equivalent to first intersecting the query with the schema and executing that.

Specified by:
getSchema in interface FluxionService
dataSource - the being operated upon
an describing the range of concepts this service may publish
DataSourceException - if the data source is not known by this service or if there was an error connecting to the data source


public org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology query( dataSource,
                                                   org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology queryOntology)
                                            throws DataSourceException
Description copied from interface: FluxionService
Execute a query.

The result of a query will include the URI of the data source actually queried, the query that the service actually executed, the reasoner level in effect at the time and an containing every instance of the query class provided by this service.

The results may include any amount of extra information. It must be complete in that there will be no instances provided by the service that match the query which are not returned. It must also contain enough information to validate that a given individual is or is not a member of the query class. It may contain any number of extra individuals that do not match the query, as well as any number of axioms which are not neccesary to prove that an instance is a member of the query class. It is legal, although not polite, for a service to return all data for every query.

Specified by:
query in interface FluxionService
dataSource - the being operated upon
queryClass - the qualified name of the class from the specified ontology for which instances should be found
queryOntology - the ontology containing the specified query class
the result of the query as an OWLOntology
DataSourceException - if the data source is not known by this service or if there was an error connecting to the data source

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