Interface Node

All Known Subinterfaces:
MappingNode, OWLNode
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNode, DataConstantNode, DataValueNode, IndividualNode, MemberOfNode, ObjectValueNode, OWLMappingNode, RestrictedNode, WalkedToDataNode, WalkedToObjectNode

public interface Node

A Node is an object that makes up a component of a mapping graph. Any implementation of a Node should describe three key things...

Finally, all Nodes must implement the accept() method to enable a NodeVisitor to visit them. NodeVisitors are responsible for building the representation of the graph for the UI.

If you wish to implement Node, instead use AbstractNode which handles all the standard getter and setter methods, leaving only setRDFResource() to be implemented for each specific type of Node.

Tony Burdett
See Also:
Graph, Edge

Method Summary
 void accept(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Accept a visit from a NodeVisitor
 java.lang.String getLabel()
          An identifier that can be used to describe an individual of the set described by this Node
 void setLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Set the identifier that can be used to label an individual.

Method Detail


void setLabel(java.lang.String label)
Set the identifier that can be used to label an individual.

label - the label of this Node


java.lang.String getLabel()
An identifier that can be used to describe an individual of the set described by this Node

the identifier


void accept(NodeVisitor visitor)
Accept a visit from a NodeVisitor

visitor - the NodeVisitor visiting this class

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