Class IndividualNode

  extended by net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.AbstractNode
      extended by net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.OWLMappingNode
          extended by net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.IndividualNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Node, MappingNode, OWLNode

public class IndividualNode
extends OWLMappingNode

A node within the target ontology, which is used to assert that a set of individuals must exist. Individuals must exist within a class - in other words, the OWLObject must be set as the OWLClass into which these individuals can be placed.

Tony Burdett
See Also:
Graph, Edge

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.OWLMappingNode
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void setOWLObject(org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLObject owlObject)
          Set the OWLObject that describes this Node on the graph.
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.OWLMappingNode
addMapping, getMappings, getOWLObject, removeMapping
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.AbstractNode
accept, getLabel, setLabel
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.Node
accept, getLabel, setLabel

Constructor Detail


public IndividualNode()
Method Detail


public void setOWLObject(org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLObject owlObject)
                  throws UnsupportedTypeException
Description copied from interface: OWLNode
Set the OWLObject that describes this Node on the graph. This can be a named OWLClass from the ontology represented by this graph, an anonymous OWLDescription constructed from a named class and a set of restrictions, or some OWLDataType class representing the set of datatype values. This class uses the protege api, so that when the graph is constructed in Protege we can take advantage of the popup menus as appropriate.

owlObject - the OWLObject this node represents
UnsupportedTypeException - if an RDFResource is passed that cannot be handled

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