Class DefaultGraph

  extended by net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.AbstractGraph
      extended by net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.DefaultGraph
All Implemented Interfaces:
Graph, OWLGraph

public class DefaultGraph
extends AbstractGraph
implements OWLGraph

The standard implementation of Graph. This provides all methods required to construct the graph from the ontology URI (and optionally a URL representing a physical location, if this is different from the URI), and interacting with the graph by adding and removing nodes and edges.

Tony Burdett
See Also:
Node, Edge

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology getOWLOntology()
          Returns the Protege OWLModel for this graph.
 void setOWLOntology(org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology owlModel)
          Directly sets the pre-loaded OWLOntology
 void setOWLOntologyLocation( ontologyLocation)
          Sets the ontology this graph represents given the URL to the location of OWL file.
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.AbstractGraph
accept, add, add, addGraphListener, cascadeChanges, contains, contains, getAllNodes, getLeadingEdges, getName, getNode, getRootNodes, getTailingEdges, remove, remove, removeAll, removeGraphListener, setAsRoot, setName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.Graph
accept, add, add, addGraphListener, cascadeChanges, contains, contains, getAllNodes, getLeadingEdges, getName, getNode, getRootNodes, getTailingEdges, remove, remove, removeAll, removeGraphListener, setAsRoot, setName

Constructor Detail


public DefaultGraph()
Method Detail


public org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology getOWLOntology()
Description copied from interface: OWLGraph
Returns the Protege OWLModel for this graph. This will be loaded using the URI of the ontology, if it is not already in memory.

Specified by:
getOWLOntology in interface OWLGraph
the loaded OWLOntology


public void setOWLOntology(org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology owlModel)
Description copied from interface: OWLGraph
Directly sets the pre-loaded OWLOntology

Specified by:
setOWLOntology in interface OWLGraph
owlModel - the ontology to use in this graph


public void setOWLOntologyLocation( ontologyLocation)
Description copied from interface: OWLGraph
Sets the ontology this graph represents given the URL to the location of OWL file. This should only be set if the URL of the ontology is different to the URI, for instance when an ontology has been generated and given a namespace URI but not deployed to the actual location.

Specified by:
setOWLOntologyLocation in interface OWLGraph
ontologyLocation - the URL corresponding to the physical location of this ontology

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