Package net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph

Interface Summary
MappingNode A specific type of Node that retains a mapping reference to another Node.
OWLEdge Javadocs go here.
OWLGraph A graph which captures information about the arrangement of nodes in an OWL Ontology.
OWLNode Javadocs go here.

Class Summary
DataConstantNode A type of node that represents owl data values.
DataValueNode A type of node that represents owl data values.
DefaultGraph The standard implementation of Graph.
IndividualNode A node within the target ontology, which is used to assert that a set of individuals must exist.
IsAEdge An edge which represents an "is_a" relationship between two nodes.
MemberOfNode A node which represents members of a known class in the source ontology.
NestedEdge An edge which represents a nested relationship beneath a node.
ObjectValueNode A type of node representing owl individuals at the end of an owl object property.
OWLMappingNode Javadocs go here.
RestrictedNode A node which is described as the set of individuals which are members of an anonymous owl class, made up of some given restrictions, which may be specified by the user.
ValueEdge An edge representing some value property.
WalkEdge An edge representing a walk operation down a property.
WalkedToDataNode Javadocs go here.
WalkedToObjectNode Javadocs go here.

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