Class RestrictedNode

  extended by net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.AbstractNode
      extended by net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.OWLMappingNode
          extended by net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.RestrictedNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Node, MappingNode, OWLNode

public class RestrictedNode
extends OWLMappingNode

A node which is described as the set of individuals which are members of an anonymous owl class, made up of some given restrictions, which may be specified by the user. This class enables the user to formulate new classes of individuals from a known owl named class and the variables in the scope of the current node. So for example, if we declare a parent node, FOR ALL [?f] IN [Foo]; and then a child node, FOR ALL [?b] in [bar]; we could add a restriction to ?b, say ?b has_foo ?f, as long as ?b is related to ?f by a nested relationship (so, a NestedEdge).

The OWLObject type for a RestrictedNode must be an OWLDescription.

Tony Burdett
See Also:
Graph, Edge

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.OWLMappingNode
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void setOWLObject(org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLObject owlObject)
          For a RestrictedNode, this method should set the parent class that restrictions can be added to.
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.OWLMappingNode
addMapping, getMappings, getOWLObject, removeMapping
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.AbstractNode
accept, getLabel, setLabel
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.Node
accept, getLabel, setLabel

Constructor Detail


public RestrictedNode()
Method Detail


public void setOWLObject(org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLObject owlObject)
                  throws UnsupportedTypeException
For a RestrictedNode, this method should set the parent class that restrictions can be added to. addRestriction() should then be called to improve the class.

owlObject - the OWLDescription that constitutes the new anonymous class description

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