Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph

Classes in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph that implement Node
 class AbstractNode
          An abstract implementation of Node.

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph that return Node
 Node AbstractEdge.getHeadNode()
 Node Edge.getHeadNode()
          Return the Node at the head of this Edge.
 Node Graph.getNode(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Node with the given name present within this graph.
 Node AbstractGraph.getNode(java.lang.String name)
 Node AbstractEdge.getTailNode()
 Node Edge.getTailNode()
          Return the Node at the tail of this Edge.

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph that return types with arguments of type Node
 java.util.Collection<Node> Graph.getAllNodes()
          Returns every Node present within this graph
 java.util.Set<Node> AbstractGraph.getAllNodes()
 java.util.Collection<Node> Graph.getRootNodes()
          Returns all the nodes which are "root" nodes of this graph.
 java.util.Set<Node> AbstractGraph.getRootNodes()

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph with parameters of type Node
 void Graph.add(Node node)
          Adds the Node to this graph
 void AbstractGraph.add(Node node)
 boolean Graph.contains(Node node)
          Returns true if this graph contains the given Node, or false otherwise
 boolean AbstractGraph.contains(Node node)
 java.util.Collection<Edge> Graph.getLeadingEdges(Node node)
          Returns the set of edges leading into a given node.
 java.util.Collection<Edge> AbstractGraph.getLeadingEdges(Node node)
 java.util.Collection<Edge> Graph.getTailingEdges(Node node)
          Returns the set of edges which lead out of the given node.
 java.util.Set<Edge> AbstractGraph.getTailingEdges(Node node)
 void Graph.remove(Node node)
          Removes the Node from this graph.
 void AbstractGraph.remove(Node node)
 void Graph.setAsRoot(Node node)
          Sets this node as the root.
 void AbstractGraph.setAsRoot(Node node)
 void AbstractEdge.setHeadNode(Node head)
 void Edge.setHeadNode(Node head)
          Set the Node at the head of this Edge.
 void AbstractEdge.setTailNode(Node tail)
 void Edge.setTailNode(Node tail)
          Set the Node at the tail of this Edge.

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.listener

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.listener that return Node
 Node GraphChangeEvent.getNode()

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.listener with parameters of type Node
 void GraphChangeEvent.setNodeChanged(Node node)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.visitor

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.graph.visitor with parameters of type Node
 void NodeVisitor.visit(Node node)
          Visit the given Node

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph

Subinterfaces of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph
 interface MappingNode
          A specific type of Node that retains a mapping reference to another Node.
 interface OWLNode
          Javadocs go here.

Classes in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph that implement Node
 class DataConstantNode
          A type of node that represents owl data values.
 class DataValueNode
          A type of node that represents owl data values.
 class IndividualNode
          A node within the target ontology, which is used to assert that a set of individuals must exist.
 class MemberOfNode
          A node which represents members of a known class in the source ontology.
 class ObjectValueNode
          A type of node representing owl individuals at the end of an owl object property.
 class OWLMappingNode
          Javadocs go here.
 class RestrictedNode
          A node which is described as the set of individuals which are members of an anonymous owl class, made up of some given restrictions, which may be specified by the user.
 class WalkedToDataNode
          Javadocs go here.
 class WalkedToObjectNode
          Javadocs go here.

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.command

Constructors in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.command with parameters of type Node
DuplicateSubtreeCommand(Graph graph, Node duplicating, Node duplicate, java.lang.String prefix)
RenameNodeCommand(Graph graph, Node renaming, java.lang.String newName)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.command.manager

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.command.manager with parameters of type Node
 boolean GraphChangeFactory.requestRenameNode(Graph graph, Node node, java.lang.String newName)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.popup

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.popup with parameters of type Node
 POP PopupProvider.getNodeContextPopupMenu(Node node)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.view.factory

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.view.factory that return types with arguments of type Node
 java.util.Set<Node> FlexGraphViewFactory.getHiddenNodes()
 java.util.Set<Node> DotGraphViewFactory.getHiddenNodes()

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.view.factory with parameters of type Node
 void FlexNodeViewFactory.visit(Node node)
 void DotNodeViewFactory.visit(Node node)

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.view.factory with type arguments of type Node
 void FlexGraphViewFactory.setHiddenNodes(java.util.Set<Node> hiddenNodes)
 void DotGraphViewFactory.setHiddenNodes(java.util.Set<Node> hiddenNodes)
protected  void FlexGraphViewFactory.walkGraph(Graph graph, NodeView parent, Edge edge, java.util.Set<Node> alreadyDone)
protected  void DotGraphViewFactory.walkGraph(Graph graph, NodeView parent, Edge edge, java.util.Set<Node> alreadyDone)

Uses of Node in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.view.utils

Methods in net.sourceforge.fluxion.runcible.graph.view.utils that return Node
static Node FlexElementUtils.lookupNodeByFlexNodeName(java.lang.String flexName, Graph graph)
static Node SVGElementUtils.lookupNodeByNodeName(java.lang.String nodeName, Graph graph)
static Node SVGElementUtils.lookupNodeBySVGElementName(java.lang.String svgName, Graph graph)

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